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Saturday, November 23, 2019

Friday 11/22

Remember that you should have all of your quotes and analysis complete, as well as AT LEAST one station done (should have happened in class, or you are doing it this weekend for HW). This means that you have at least one of the following done: typed up quotes & citations, typed up transition sentences for moving from one idea (one quote) to another, or typed up introduction & framing sentences for your quotes (this was from the station with me).

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Here is the page of quotes from class today. You probably want to select a few from this list - make sure to include quotes from more than just one article!     

Friday, November 15, 2019

Friday 11/15

No homework this weekend!


If you were absent today, it would be ideal if you can stay after on Monday with me to make up the on demand we completed in class today.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Monday 11/4

Your bill is due, uploaded to Unified Classroom, by Wednesday!
If you need school wifi to upload it, you may upload Wednesday morning, but this is not being worked on in class.
Refer to your planning packet and the rubric if you are unsure about what you need to include. These do not need to be super long, they just need to include the right parts.
Enjoy your day off!

Here is the rubric if you need it -----> Rubric