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Friday, December 6, 2019

Friday 12/6

Editing and Revising - look at the notes I made on your paper. Do your best to correct any issues and answer any questions I may have asked. You can also use the editing checklist I provided last week to edit & revise your work yourself - make sure to reread your whole paper - you might catch issues you didn't realize were there.

I am hoping to collect (or have re-submitted) edited papers at the end of each class today, but will accept them submitted by Monday (or handed to me in class). There is a new assignment link on powerschool named 'Lost History essay - Revised'. Emailing me is okay if you cannot submit.

I want the copy with my/your edits on it as well! Do not throw away.

If you hand back the same paper with no revisions, I will grade it as is (which for many will be a weak grade, this is why we are spending time revising) and you will receive a 1 for HOW3.

If you have not written a paper, you will have access to the sheets we used in class before break.
Here are the articles we used previous to beginning our writing if you need to look back at them and don't have your copy (remember that you did not read each article yourself, we shared and took notes from each other):
Destruction of Nubian Sites
Difficult Language
Difficulties of Nubian Articles
Lost Nubian History
National Geographic - Nubia

Remember that the original prompt you are answering is:
Why do we know so much about ancient Egypt, but lack understanding about ancient Nubia?
Use evidence to explain why Nubia’s history was forgotten.

You should include at least 3 quotes (not all from the same article) and discuss more than one singular cause. There should be analysis of each cause (explain it, how did it cause their history to be lost/why did it matter) as well as transitions between paragraphs, an intro & conclusion (can be brief, but should have a claim to answer the prompt). Broadly, the causes we discussed were flooding (due to dams), sandstorms, language, and discrimination.

If you did not write a paper when you were supposed to, this weekend is your last chance to do so. You will not receive higher than a 2.5 and I will not be accepting any papers after Monday 12/9 unless we spoke about a special circumstance.

For a reminder my email: