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Friday, January 31, 2020

Friday 1/31

Written Response for HW based on today's article - Was farming an improvement over foraging?

This is your opinion, but include information from the text. I'm not looking for an essay! A strong paragraph is enough if you are thoughtful and mention a few reasons.
Video's from yesterday: Crash Course - Agricultural Revolution    ,   History Before Humans (only watched from 4:58 to 6:58)

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Tuesday 1/28

My fault on a technological issue - ignore tonight's gallery walk HW. File did not post like I thought it did.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Tuesday 1/21

Student Survey Link

***Any and all revisions on Nubia essays & Two Voice Poems are due by THIS Friday, the 24th***

They should be emailed to me (or handed in if on paper). I cannot accept any late work past this date, grades are due.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Poems need to be finished & submitted tonight.
We will be presenting them to each other tomorrow!