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Friday, December 6, 2019

Friday 12/6

Editing and Revising - look at the notes I made on your paper. Do your best to correct any issues and answer any questions I may have asked. You can also use the editing checklist I provided last week to edit & revise your work yourself - make sure to reread your whole paper - you might catch issues you didn't realize were there.

I am hoping to collect (or have re-submitted) edited papers at the end of each class today, but will accept them submitted by Monday (or handed to me in class). There is a new assignment link on powerschool named 'Lost History essay - Revised'. Emailing me is okay if you cannot submit.

I want the copy with my/your edits on it as well! Do not throw away.

If you hand back the same paper with no revisions, I will grade it as is (which for many will be a weak grade, this is why we are spending time revising) and you will receive a 1 for HOW3.

If you have not written a paper, you will have access to the sheets we used in class before break.
Here are the articles we used previous to beginning our writing if you need to look back at them and don't have your copy (remember that you did not read each article yourself, we shared and took notes from each other):
Destruction of Nubian Sites
Difficult Language
Difficulties of Nubian Articles
Lost Nubian History
National Geographic - Nubia

Remember that the original prompt you are answering is:
Why do we know so much about ancient Egypt, but lack understanding about ancient Nubia?
Use evidence to explain why Nubia’s history was forgotten.

You should include at least 3 quotes (not all from the same article) and discuss more than one singular cause. There should be analysis of each cause (explain it, how did it cause their history to be lost/why did it matter) as well as transitions between paragraphs, an intro & conclusion (can be brief, but should have a claim to answer the prompt). Broadly, the causes we discussed were flooding (due to dams), sandstorms, language, and discrimination.

If you did not write a paper when you were supposed to, this weekend is your last chance to do so. You will not receive higher than a 2.5 and I will not be accepting any papers after Monday 12/9 unless we spoke about a special circumstance.

For a reminder my email:

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Friday 11/22

Remember that you should have all of your quotes and analysis complete, as well as AT LEAST one station done (should have happened in class, or you are doing it this weekend for HW). This means that you have at least one of the following done: typed up quotes & citations, typed up transition sentences for moving from one idea (one quote) to another, or typed up introduction & framing sentences for your quotes (this was from the station with me).

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Here is the page of quotes from class today. You probably want to select a few from this list - make sure to include quotes from more than just one article!     

Friday, November 15, 2019

Friday 11/15

No homework this weekend!


If you were absent today, it would be ideal if you can stay after on Monday with me to make up the on demand we completed in class today.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Monday 11/4

Your bill is due, uploaded to Unified Classroom, by Wednesday!
If you need school wifi to upload it, you may upload Wednesday morning, but this is not being worked on in class.
Refer to your planning packet and the rubric if you are unsure about what you need to include. These do not need to be super long, they just need to include the right parts.
Enjoy your day off!

Here is the rubric if you need it -----> Rubric

Monday, October 14, 2019

Just a reminder that you should be uploading your letter tonight!
An assignment is open on Unified Classroom named "Hominin RAFT (your letter)".

Friday, October 11, 2019

Friday 10/11

Reminder that your writing assignment is now due by the end of the weekend!
You should upload yourtyped letter to unified classroom (assignment name: Hominin RAFT) by the end of the long weekend. 
If computer access is an issue, a neatly written copy handed in on Tuesday is acceptable but I will still be collecting their written draft from class.
I will also be collecting the organizers we used to plan for this project and the revision sheet we used in class today.
Hominin RAFT Assignment sheet & rubric

Remember to include the following in your letter
- description of species you discovered
- how their physical characteristics help them do things (advantages)
- what real species they are similar or different from
- when your species was alive and where they lived, including what the environment looked like
- the process you took to find your fossils
- what artifacts you found with them (anything your species made or used)
- how you prove your findings are real

Enjoy your long weekend!!!

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Thursday 10/10

Be prepared to finish your letter in class tomorrow and hand it in!
Here is what you should have completed based on class time today:
 7.1 - intro, the process you took to find the fossils, when & where your species lived, what it looked like and what these things enabled it to do, beginning to discuss artifacts you found

7.2 - intro, the process you took to find the fossils, when & where your species lived, and what it looked like /what these things enabled it to do

7.3 - intro, the process you took to find the fossils, when & where your species lived, what it looked like and what these things enabled it to do, beginning to discuss artifacts you found

7.4 - intro, the process you took to find the fossils, when & where your species lived, and what it looked like /what these things enabled it to do

Make sure to be using lots of descriptive words, and that you are explaining your inferences!
I'll be collected your organizers with your letter tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Wednesday 10/9

Be ready to write tomorrow!
All organizers should be filled out (when/where, what it looks like, artifacts, process of uncovering your fossils & defense) and you should be coming to class with an introduction for your letter!

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Tuesday 10/8

HW check in: Be caught up with class work for your new species! Right now, this means have your when & where organizer (Monday in class), your physical characteristics organizer (today in class) and artifact organizer (at least three artifacts, started today in class) filled out!

Friday, October 4, 2019

Friday 10/4

Here are some instructions and other info to hopefully clear up any confusions:
If you submit your timeline over the weekend I will accept it, however it will be considered late - so you can receive up to a 2.5.
Here is the assignment sheet & rubric if you'd like it: Timeline Assignment

Directions for submitting:

  1. Click the 'publish' button on the upper right hand corner
  2. Click publish again
  3. Name your timeline (doesn't matter what it is)
  4. Copy the link it gives you (right click, copy)
  5. Open a blank word document
  6. Paste the link into this document (right click, paste)
  7. Save this word document
  8. Upload this document to unified classroom (on your homepage, there will be 'timeline project' assignment in upper right hand corner. hover over this or click it open and a button saying upload file will appear)


The website we used for the final product is Venngage. You can choose any timeline format you like, and then enter your info. Adding text/images is simple, you can play around with the menu on the left hand side for all of this.

***If you turned in your project on time you have no homework this weekend*****

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Wednesday 10/2

HW: Find an accurate (from a reliable source, try here if you're strugling: image for each of our species. Save this on your laptop or on a word document so we can use it in class tomorrow.
Bring your laptop charged to class tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Tuesday 10/1

Here is the when/where section from class in case you need it to complete the timeline section for HWHomo Sapiens - Modern Humans

Friday, September 27, 2019

Friday 9/27

Weekend HW: Type up all four paragraphs for your timeline project.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Thursday 9/26

HW: Fill out the Neanderthal section of the timeline note sheet.

For class tomorrow you should have all four sections filled out (Australopithecus, Homo Habilis, Homo Erectus, & Neanderthal). If you don't, you won't be prepared for class.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

My apologies for not posting this weekend - I've been having some computer issues. You should be caught up with turning your timeline notes into paragraphs, which we did in class on Friday. I have decided to hand out extra articles in hard copy only, so see me if you need an extra.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Wednesday 9/18

HW: Finish remaining sections of packet from today. Reading should be marked up & all sections should be filled out.

Bring a jacket for tomorrow!

Monday, September 16, 2019

Monday 9/16

HW: Read the article given in class (Bigger Brains Are Hard to Grow)and respond to the following prompt:
Bigger Brains Are Hard to Grow
Using evidence from the text, explain the trade off between growth (physical,
our bodies) and brain power. How is energy used differently as modern
humans grow up versus our early ancestors?
Referencing the text from class is fine as well, but should be in addition to
evidence from this text. Your writing should be about half a page long. 

Due  Wednesday!

Friday, September 13, 2019

Timeline Help / New Vocab

Here is out updated vocab list so far (please feel free to put these definitions in your own words!): Updated Vocab

In class on Friday we made accounts on the website Venngage, which we will use moving forward with our first project, a timeline. If you weren't able to make an account in class, please do so over the weekend! It takes only a few minutes. Here is a step by step if you're a bit confused:

  1. Use the link in today's post (scroll down, it's labeled Friday 9/13 and has "timeline website" in a lighter color font) or google 'venngage'
  2. Click sign up now!
  3. Enter your name, an email (can be personal or school email - your and make your own password
  4. Click sign up
  5. Click 'other' and then 'other' again when you are presented with the white boxes
  6. Choose 3 (or more) templates that you like when it prompts, then click create now!
  7. Search for 'timeline' in the search bar (top middle) when you are in the 'create' space. You should now see various timeline templates to choose from
  8.  In the top right hand corner, click on 'plan type' and select 'free'

You should be all set! Feel free to play around on the site if you'd like, but you're not required to make anything just yet!

Friday 9/13

For class today -----> Timeline Website

HW: Complete a section of your timeline notes for homo habilis. Create an account on Venngage if you weren't able to in class

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Wednesday 9/11

HW: Create new note cards (or add to your vocab sheet) for the words "hominin" "homo habilis" and "primitive". These are all contained in the readings we've done so far this week.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Friday 9/6

HW: Fill in the first section of the timeline note sheet about the Australopithecus - please feel free to use the articles we've looked at in class and your notes.

You should have also added to your note cards (or note sheet) with the definition for 'bipedal'.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Wednesday 9/4

HW: Review your notecards or vocab sheet with a parent, sibling, or friend for at least 15 minutes!

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Tuesday 9/3

HW: Create notecards (or a vocab sheet) for our vocabulary list from last week. Here is a copy of the more technical definitions, but your definitions should be in your own words as much as possible (like we discussed in class last week).

Friday, August 30, 2019

Friday 8/30

HW for 7.3 and 7.4 - Write a paragraph (3-5 sentences) using at least 5 of our vocab words from class. This can be creative or very straightforward, up to you.

Otherwise, no HW this weekend!
Enjoy the extra day!

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Thursday 8/29

Original vocab sheet that we used in class (put the definitions into our own words)
HW: Write a paragraph (3-5 sentences) using at least 5 vocab words from class today.

Wednesday 8/28

Video we watched in class - what do archaeologists do?
*Extra copies of the article & the notecatcher we used available in class*

HW: Syllabus signed by Friday!

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Welcome to 7th Grade Social Studies!

Click here for this year's syllabus

HW: Get syllabus signed & returned by Friday!
Make sure you have all required materials.