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Friday, October 11, 2019

Friday 10/11

Reminder that your writing assignment is now due by the end of the weekend!
You should upload yourtyped letter to unified classroom (assignment name: Hominin RAFT) by the end of the long weekend. 
If computer access is an issue, a neatly written copy handed in on Tuesday is acceptable but I will still be collecting their written draft from class.
I will also be collecting the organizers we used to plan for this project and the revision sheet we used in class today.
Hominin RAFT Assignment sheet & rubric

Remember to include the following in your letter
- description of species you discovered
- how their physical characteristics help them do things (advantages)
- what real species they are similar or different from
- when your species was alive and where they lived, including what the environment looked like
- the process you took to find your fossils
- what artifacts you found with them (anything your species made or used)
- how you prove your findings are real

Enjoy your long weekend!!!