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Monday, October 14, 2019

Just a reminder that you should be uploading your letter tonight!
An assignment is open on Unified Classroom named "Hominin RAFT (your letter)".

Friday, October 11, 2019

Friday 10/11

Reminder that your writing assignment is now due by the end of the weekend!
You should upload yourtyped letter to unified classroom (assignment name: Hominin RAFT) by the end of the long weekend. 
If computer access is an issue, a neatly written copy handed in on Tuesday is acceptable but I will still be collecting their written draft from class.
I will also be collecting the organizers we used to plan for this project and the revision sheet we used in class today.
Hominin RAFT Assignment sheet & rubric

Remember to include the following in your letter
- description of species you discovered
- how their physical characteristics help them do things (advantages)
- what real species they are similar or different from
- when your species was alive and where they lived, including what the environment looked like
- the process you took to find your fossils
- what artifacts you found with them (anything your species made or used)
- how you prove your findings are real

Enjoy your long weekend!!!

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Thursday 10/10

Be prepared to finish your letter in class tomorrow and hand it in!
Here is what you should have completed based on class time today:
 7.1 - intro, the process you took to find the fossils, when & where your species lived, what it looked like and what these things enabled it to do, beginning to discuss artifacts you found

7.2 - intro, the process you took to find the fossils, when & where your species lived, and what it looked like /what these things enabled it to do

7.3 - intro, the process you took to find the fossils, when & where your species lived, what it looked like and what these things enabled it to do, beginning to discuss artifacts you found

7.4 - intro, the process you took to find the fossils, when & where your species lived, and what it looked like /what these things enabled it to do

Make sure to be using lots of descriptive words, and that you are explaining your inferences!
I'll be collected your organizers with your letter tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Wednesday 10/9

Be ready to write tomorrow!
All organizers should be filled out (when/where, what it looks like, artifacts, process of uncovering your fossils & defense) and you should be coming to class with an introduction for your letter!

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Tuesday 10/8

HW check in: Be caught up with class work for your new species! Right now, this means have your when & where organizer (Monday in class), your physical characteristics organizer (today in class) and artifact organizer (at least three artifacts, started today in class) filled out!

Friday, October 4, 2019

Friday 10/4

Here are some instructions and other info to hopefully clear up any confusions:
If you submit your timeline over the weekend I will accept it, however it will be considered late - so you can receive up to a 2.5.
Here is the assignment sheet & rubric if you'd like it: Timeline Assignment

Directions for submitting:

  1. Click the 'publish' button on the upper right hand corner
  2. Click publish again
  3. Name your timeline (doesn't matter what it is)
  4. Copy the link it gives you (right click, copy)
  5. Open a blank word document
  6. Paste the link into this document (right click, paste)
  7. Save this word document
  8. Upload this document to unified classroom (on your homepage, there will be 'timeline project' assignment in upper right hand corner. hover over this or click it open and a button saying upload file will appear)


The website we used for the final product is Venngage. You can choose any timeline format you like, and then enter your info. Adding text/images is simple, you can play around with the menu on the left hand side for all of this.

***If you turned in your project on time you have no homework this weekend*****

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Wednesday 10/2

HW: Find an accurate (from a reliable source, try here if you're strugling: image for each of our species. Save this on your laptop or on a word document so we can use it in class tomorrow.
Bring your laptop charged to class tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Tuesday 10/1

Here is the when/where section from class in case you need it to complete the timeline section for HWHomo Sapiens - Modern Humans