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Monday, March 23, 2020

Monday 3/23

Image result for waving gifHello week two of school shutdown!
I hope everyone is staying healthy and safe.

Although it can be a bit hard to think about the future beyond the next couple of weeks right now, this year is still an election year and in just a few short months the country will be voting to elect a president!

To take a step away from Greece for the moment (although we'll see how their democracy -type of government- relates to ours...) I thought it might be interesting to give you guys a look at what's been happening to get ready for election time in November!

This awesome page from the New York times has some great quick info and facts on the people still trying to become president, links to their profiles, and shows you just how many people were trying to become president that have had to stop!
 ---->  Who's running for President in 2020?  <------

Now let's take a look at what needs to happen for these guys to get there...

Take a look at this video explaining How to Become President of the United States !
It uses this poster to help illustrate its ideas ---> poster version

Do you think you'd ever want to become president?!

Think of three people you think would make a good president.

Do some research (or some careful googling): Would these people be able to run for president, based on the 3 necessary requirements? (these were mentioned in the video!)

Now, pick one of those people - who is able to run - and create a slogan and bumper sticker to help with their campaign. Think about what issues they'd want to talk about or change, and what kinds of colors or designs they'd want to use!

Image result for presidential bumper stickersHave some fun designing - do some googling for ideas if you need!
If you want to design a slogan and bumper sticker for yourself instead, go for it! I'd love to see what you'd want to do while president!