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Sunday, April 12, 2020

Monday 4/13

Week 5 Online

This week, I wanted to have you all connect a bit more with yourselves, your lives, and hopefully those around you (in your household! stay safe!!!). Emphasis on social studies! I also hope that this week will have you doing some work off screen. If you’d prefer always know that you can write down responses in a real notebook and take a picture to submit. Be healthy everyone! I miss you!

Watch the video  below to see me explain this week’s assignment & directions!

Click here for the choice board: Choice Board

Complete at least three tasks, one of each color, and then respond to the follow up questions!

Upload your responses to Unified Classroom ‘Week 5 Blog Assignment’ and you’re all set!

Enjoy, interact, be thoughtful!

p.s. I loved seeing your faces if you uploaded to flipgrid! Just so you know, I’ve set it so no one sees your video, just me :) I’ll let you know if this changes, but no need to be shy!