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Monday, April 6, 2020

Monday 4/6

Week 4 Online!

As always, I hope you are all staying safe and healthy!

From looking at the results from last weeks poll (thanks to those of you that took it!), I've got some more Civil Rights learning for you all this week. Enjoy!

Lesser Known Civil Rights Heroes

This week, we will dive into some civil rights history, focusing on individuals that lead and supported the movement even though you may not have heard of them. We will be introduced to four separate civil rights heroes, but first, let's get some background.

Please click to watch this civil rights intro video: The Civil Rights Movement in Two Minutes
It will act as a super quick course on what the Civil Rights Movement looked like and what it's fighting for. In short, the movement worked to allow African Americans to be seen as equal under the law of the United States, and to be able to have the same privileges and be treated the same as white people. It is usually thought of to start in 1954 with a Supreme Court case Brown v Board of Ed that said that separating black and white children in schools was not constitutional, would not be allowed. The said 'separate but equal is inherently unequal' - literally, that segregation, keeping African Americans and whites separate, was not equal and was not right. However, the fight for equal rights was going on long before this case, as we'll see when we meet out first leader, Ida B Wells. On the other end, the Civil Rights Movement is thought to end somewhere around the passing and signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which 'outlaws discrimination' in places like labor (jobs), laws, education. However, the fight for equal rights continues today.

Alright, now let's jump in and meet Claudette Colvin, Bayard Rustin, Ida B Wells, and James Baldwin! Please click each link to explore each person by completing the attached lesson. Each lesson is a Ted Ed lesson and has a similar format: a video and attached questions. However, some of the questions require more thought (or a longer answer) while some are multiple choice. Each lesson has a 'Dig Deeper' page as well with resources if you'd like to explore more about any of these people and their lives. And yes, the video for Claudette Colvin is a bit different!

Please don't forget to add your thoughts to the 'discussion' page! I know it says optional (I can't change that) but this is where I'd really like to see what you're thinking about. I wish I were able to dive into these histories and deep discussions with you, but for now I'll have to see what you're thinking about online!
As always, please use cultural sensitivity and respect in your replies. These topics are extremely important but can be sensitive and certainly personal, so make sure to consider other experiences and other points of view as you think and write.

Ida B Wells
Bayard Rustin
James Baldwin
Claudette Colvin

These videos hit on some pretty big topics and have some tricky vocab words, so I've created a glossary here --->  Vocab Help   pleeeeeeease take a look! Otherwise you might be confused and there are some super important terms!

The content covered here is also strong and complicated, so please reach out with any questions or if you'd like to discuss further!

These lessons can be done all at once, or you can break them up over separate days this week!

This weeks work can be completed entirely on the Ted Ed website, so you do not need to upload anything to Unified Classroom this week! I can see what you've done on the Ted Ed site. I will use the 'Blog Assignment Week 4' space to record whether or not you've completed the work.

Be well everyone!