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Sunday, April 26, 2020

Monday 4/27

Hello everyone! Welcome back from vacation week

Time to kick off our online study of Ancient Greece!

First off, see if you can escape from this virtual escape room! It will introduce you to a lot of the topics we will be exploring!
          Try your luck here ------> Ancient Greece Escape Room

Enter your name, start the timer, and get going! Once you hit submit (at the bottom, scroll down!) I will see your response! If you put the wrong 'key' (wrong answer) into a lock (answer box) it won't let you ’out’ until you put in the right one! 😀

Next up, we will travel back in time to learn about the earliest recorded peoples living in Greece... the Minoans and Mycenaeans!

Click the links below to find stories and information about these societies, then respond to the questions!  You can copy and paste the questions into a word doc or simply number your responses. Full sentences please. Upload to Unified Classroom assignment 'Greece Week 1 - M & M'.

Introduction and directions - Question Sheet

Minoan & Mycenaean Readings

Theseus and the Minotaur - Myth

The Trojan Horse - Legend

Be well & stay safe!

Remember my office hours are MWF 10-11 and you can always send me an email with a question!