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Sunday, May 3, 2020

Monday, 5/4

This week's lessons have specific instructions, so please read carefully! The videos are there to help you!

***I will be hosting an open Zoom meeting TUESDAY 1:30 - 2:30 to help with any confusion, technology help, or questions on this work!***


To start, we will explore the geography - the land and land features (like mountains, rivers, etc) of Greece!

There are two links below - Map Activity Part 1, and Map Activity Part 2. The first will ask you to mark up a map, so I've attached directions on how you can do this online!
The second will ask you to examine maps and short texts, and then to fill in some comparison tables. You can copy onto your own doc and fill them out, or draw them on paper and fill them out!

Have fun exploring the geography of Greece and its impact on the civilization!

Greece Map Activity Part ONE (click here)

To complete this assignment, you will need to draw on the map VIRTUALLY! It's pretty fun. You can use Paint (this is easiest) or Google drawing (also not too hard). If you have the ability to print this out and do it by hand, go ahead!

Here are videos with instructions on how to do each! Read the caption to find out which is which!

The videos from before didn't seem to be working for everyone. I've linked them here instead! --> Map drawing help videos

To use Paint to draw on your map, right click and 'save as' this image! ---> 

To use google drawing, use this link! ---> Greece map google drawing (click here)  PLEASE MAKE A COPY FIRST!

Greece Map Activity Part TWO & THREE (click here)

To complete these map activities, you can either copy the chart to your own document, print the page and fill it in, or draw the chart on notepaper and send me a picture!

Time to discuss how geography affected Greece a little bit more...

Watch this power point: Trade & Influence in Ancient Greece .

While you're scrolling through, please take notes on what you're learning! You can take notes online or on paper, whatever you prefer.

Here are pictures with my suggestion for your notes - this way you can work through the power point in an organized way without having to write down every single word or creating new space for every single slide.

Once you're done with the power point, please create a gist statement to tell me what you've learned about the way that geography impacted Ancient Greece - this may end up being more than one sentence.

 I will be looking for a picture of your notes and a gist statement to be uploaded or emailed to me!

To recap: I should receive from you a marked up map, two charts (one comparing different civilization's geography and one comparing benefits and difficulties of Greece's geography), and a notes page with a gist statement from the power point. These can all be handwritten or typed, but make sure they are submitted!

Upload to Unified Classroom assignment name 'Greece Week 2 Map Work' and 'Greece Week 2 Ppt Notes' or email to me if that is an issue!