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Sunday, May 10, 2020

Monday 5/11

Hello everyone!

Recognize this place? 😀
I got to stop in for a few minutes to grab a few things... it's not the same in there without you! I miss you all!

Check out this video for an intro to this weeks work ----> Intro to Greece Week 3

First, use the following readings to fill out a comparison chart between Athens and Sparta!
 Athens & Sparta Comparison Chart You can copy & paste this one onto your own doc, or create a similar one in your notes!

Hmmm... do you think you would have been an Ancient Spartan, or an Ancient Athenian?

Imagine that you are going to visit one of these city states for a week as part of an exchange program with Renaissance! You get to switch places with either an Athenian or Spartan citizen, living their life with their family, for a week. While there, you will be treated in the same way as everyone else. Before you can get going, you must write a letter to explain which city state you'd prefer to visit.

In this letter, please give a few reasons why you'd like to visit this city state, and what might make you not want to visit the other one! Think about which place has people that share your values, or seem more like you. Remember though, you are representing Renaissance and want to practice respect and cultural sensitivity towards your future hosts! Try to find something positive to say while you explain why you wouldn't choose the other city state.
Your letter should be a minimum of 2 strong paragraphs (let's say 10 sentences), but shouldn't be longer than a page.

As always, please upload your notes and letter to Unified Classroom Greece Week 3 - Athens & Sparta! Email to me if that's not working.

Have a good week, and please reach out with any questions! I can't wait to see who my Athenians and Spartans are