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Monday, May 25, 2020

Monday 5/25

Story time!
Check out this slideshow style presentation to learn about two important Greek stories: The Iliad and The Odyssey. You click through it like a powerpoint, and it kind of looks like one, but you can also hear me talk & should respond to activities within it!

Click here: Iliad & Odyssey Presentation and then just use the arrows to go through it!

Your first assignment will be the activities you complete right in this presentation.

For your second assignment this week, I want you to get creative!

Write a rap or a poem or a song that tells the story of Achilles, as you've just heard it (through the short story & video). You should have a verse or stanza  for each  section of the story.
Make sure you have a Chorus to go in between each verse if you're writing a rap! You could use this chant if you want:
Honor and virtue lead to fame - Achilles the Hero, we call your name!

If you're feeling stuck or confused, try using these sentence summaries as a guide: Achilles sentence summaries

    If you want to just read the stories in the presentation: Iliad & Odyssey
    Transcript of Iliad video with helpful hints on tricky words: Iliad Transcript

You should upload your rap or poem to Unified Classroom 'Greece Week 5 - Achilles' or email to me.


***Special make up assignment: If you'd like, you can expand your doodle from within the presentation as an optional assignment. If you are missing work from previous weeks, I will count it as ONE assignment (aka it will replace ONE missing assignment). Details: draw or paint a scene from the Odyssey. It can be one from the readings, or one you find yourself. Tell me, in a minimum of three sentences, why you chose this scene, what it represents, and why it is important to the story or to Greece as a whole. Submit to me by email!***

Totally optional, but if you want to learn way more: Crash Course Video on The Odyssey