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Sunday, May 17, 2020

Monday 5/18

Greece Week 4 - Athenian Democracy

This week, I've got a new way of presenting information to you! It's called ***drum roll please*** Sway!

You can click on the link below and immediately scroll through new info, videos, and complete some check in questions all in the same place! It's kind of like a mix between a powerpoint and a website, but everything you need will be right there - you don't have to click anywhere else!

Go to this Sway

You'll see a form at the end of the Sway, and I'll use that to check for your understanding (assignment 1). It will automatically record your response for me once you submit!

After that, I'd like you to do some thinking of your own! (assignment 2)

Think about this question and answer with your own opinion:

Is the government we have now in the United States, a representative democracy, better than the direct democracy of Ancient Athens, or was the Athenian democracy better?

Use information you've learned from the Sway to respond with your own thoughts. You can do this in two ways - you can either respond in a written paragraph, OR you can respond with a flipgrid video! If you choose a paragraph, it should be at least 5 strong sentences - I want to know why you're thinking what you're thinking, and see evidence from the Sway to support your thoughts. If you'd prefer to tell me through a flipgrid video, it should be at least 2 minutes long, and include the same! These requirements are pretty short, so I really want to see your thinking!!!

Here are some sentence starters and some ideas to think about to help answer the question if you'd like them: Sentence Starters

You can record and submit you flipgrid video here: Flipgrid link
You can upload your paragraph to Unified Classroom 'Greece Week 4 AD Comparison' or email to me at:

Recap: View the Sway (scroll through, watch short videos, read, look at pictures) and answer the form at the end, then answer the prompt above in either a strong paragraph or flipgrid video!

Congrats to these superstars keeping up with all their work!
Keep it up!!!